Binding of DX-2507 to FcRn is independent of HSA binding.
A, structural model of the simultaneous binding of DX-2507 and HSA (orange) based on the structural alignment of FcRn from the complex structure in this study (PDB code 5WHK) and FcRn in complex with HSA (PDB code 4K71). HSA and DX-2507 Fab target distinct regions of FcRn. B, the addition of 50 mg/ml HSA (at the high end of the normal physiological concentration in blood) does not influence the ability of DX-2507 to compete away IgG-HRP binding to microplate immobilized FcRn, as exhibited in the competition ELISA experiment shown here. At pH 6.0, a control IgG (DX-2300) competes only at high IgG (Fc) concentrations relative to DX-2507. Error bars, S.D. of replicates (n ≥ 2); solid lines, fit to an IC50 equation.