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. 2017 Jan 31;45(8):1503–1517. doi: 10.1007/s10802-016-0258-1

Table 1.

Descriptive statistics and pearson correlations of the study variables (N = 173)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Range T1 -
2. Entropy T1 0.81** -
3. Transitions T1 0.70** 0.82** -
4. Negative affect mother T1 0.61** 0.55** 0.46** -
5. Shape School Inhibit T2 -0.22** -0.27** -0.28* 0.22** -
6. Snack Delay T2 -0.41** -0.39** -0.35** 0.27** 0.31** -
7. Go-No-Go T2 -0.25** -0.32** 0.33** -0.33** 0.39** 0.42** -
8. Hyperactive/impulsive T1 0.31** 0.23** 0.21** 0.25** -0.25** -0.28** -0.21** -
9. Aggressive behavior T1 0.28** 0.23** 0.19* 0.28** -0.14* -0.22** -0.19* 0.66** -
10. Hyperactive/impulsive T3 0.33** 0.29** 0.21** 0.31** -0.27** -0.41** -0.24** 0.41** 0.41** -
11. Aggressive behavior T3 0.28** 0.28** 0.22** 0.39** -0.14 -0.22** -0.22** 0.34** 0.56** 0.63** -
M 8.99 1.12 5.02 4.41 5.29 2.93 2.82 62.79 60.80 59.61 57.79
SD 2.55 0.41 1.37 5.70 1.36 1.13 0.82 11.52 10.96 9.29 8.63
Min. 4.00 0.13 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 50.00 50.00 50.00 49.00
Max. 17.00 2.24 8.55 30.95 6.00 4.75 3.70 100.00 94.00 100.00 92.00

**p < 0.01 *p < 0.05