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. 2017 Oct 20;8:2029. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.02029

Table 2.

Examplesa of published high throughput sequencing based investigations of foodborne pathogen (FBP) outbreaks.

Type of FBP Isolates/strains or community analyzed? Material sequenced Sequencing technology applied Sequencing and bioinformatics approaches Where and when References
E. coli (STECb) serotype O157:H7 Isolates 70 isolates from two outbreaks complemented with isolates from sporadic cases HiSeq2500 (Illumina), 200PEc Whole genome sequencing (WGS) of single isolates followed by mapping to reference genome and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis UK, 2013 Jenkins et al., 2015
O157:H7 Isolates 29 isolates, 24 isolates from an outbreak, 5 unrelated cases MiSeq (Illumina), 150PE WGS of single isolates followed by de novo assembly and reference-based SNP analysis US, 2001–2012 Turabelidze et al., 2013
O157:H7 Isolates 16 isolates, 8 from humans, 8 from animals GS FLX (Roche) and GAIIx (Illumina) WGS of single isolates followed by de novo assembly and reference-based SNP analysis UK, 2009 Underwood et al., 2013
O157:H7 Isolates 105 isolates, 10 human isolates from an outbreak, 95 human isolates from sporadic cases Ion Torrent PGM (Life technologies) WGS of single isolates followed by mapping to reference genome and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis UK, 2007–2012 Holmes et al., 2015
Multiple STEC serotypes Isolates 46 isolates, 6 isolates from humans from an outbreak, 40 human isolates from sporadic cases Ion Torrent PGM WGS of single isolates followed by multi-locus sequence typing (MLST), k-mer and phylogenetic analysis against up to 5,029 bacterial genomes DK, 2012 Joensen et al., 2014
O104:H4 Communities 45 clinical human fecal samples MiSeq 151PE and HiSeq 2500 151PE rapid mode shotgun metagenomics yielding from 8.6 × 106 to 4.4 × 107 reads per sample Retrospective study applying shotgun metagenomics, followed by in silico subtraction of human DNA and de novo assembly to create environmental gene tags (EGTs). EGTs identified in more than 20 fecal samples were selected for further analysis, and EGTs identified in fecal samples from healthy humans were discarded. Reference-based mapping and phylogenetic analysis combined with further assembly to functionally annotate the EGTs and reconstruct the outbreak strain genome. Verification of results by comparison to the previously sequenced genome of the outbreak strain Germany/Europe, 2011 Loman et al., 2013
Listeria monocytogenes Isolates 2 isolates with one band difference on PFGE GS FLX and GAIIx WGS of single isolates followed by de novo assembly and gap closure Canada, 2008 Gilmour et al., 2010
L. monocytogenes Isolates 5 isolates, three from humans and two environmental isolates associated to one outbreak Ion Torrent PGM WGS of single isolates followed by de novo assembly and scaffolding against an assembled reference genome Australia, 2013 Wang et al., 2015b
L. monocytogenes Isolates 18 isolates, 7 human, 10 food isolates, 1 control isolate MiSeq, 75PE, 150PE and 250PE WGS of single isolates followed by de novo assembly and gene-by-gene analysis (extended MLST) Austria 2011–2013 Schmid et al., 2014
Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Isolates 57 isolates from 5 outbreaks MiSeq, 250PE WGS of single isolates followed by de novo assembly and mapping based SNP analysis Australia, 2006–2012 Octavia et al., 2015
Serovar Typhimurium Isolates 61 isolates, 21 human and 5 food isolates related to an outbreak and additional 35 isolates HiSeq2500 WGS of single isolates followed by mapping based SNP analysis UK, 2012 Ashton et al., 2015
Serovar Enteritidis Isolates 55 isolates, 28 isolates from 7 outbreaks, 27 isolates from sporadic cases MiSeq, 250PE WGS of single isolates followed by mapping based SNP analysis US, 2001–2012 Taylor et al., 2015
Serovar Enteritidis Isolates 6 isolates, 3 human and 3 food isolates HiSeq2000 (Illumina), 100PE WGS of single isolates followed by de novo assembly and mapping based SNP analysis Belgium, 2014 Wuyts et al., 2015
Serovars Typhimurium, Enteritidis and Derby Isolates 47 isolates, 26 isolates from 9 outbreaks, 21 isolates from sporadic cases GAIIx, 101PE WGS of single isolates followed by reference free de novo assembly, complemented with reference based pan-genome, SNP and k-mer analysis Denmark, 2000–2010 Leekitcharoenphon et al., 2014
Hepatitis A virus (HAV) Isolated HAV communities HAV communities from clinical serum and fecal samples from 120 patients associated with a single outbreak No data on sequencing approach except fragment size (315 bp) Metataxonomics, i.e., amplicon sequencing of VP1/P2B region of HAV, followed by mapping to HAV genotype reference sequences, complemented with phylogenetic analysis USA, 2013 Collier et al., 2014
HAV Isolates and communities Two food samples from two apparently unrelated HAV outbreaks RNAseq combined with amplicon sequencing (MiSeq; 250PE) Four amplicons, partially overlapping, covered the entire HAV genome. Genome assembly followed by genotyping by mapping to HAV reference genomes Italy, 2013 Chiapponi et al., 2014
Rotavirus Community One clinical fecal sample from a small outbreak RNAseq on MiSeq (120PE), approximately 1 × 106 reads Genotyping by mapping to rotavirus reference genomes Japan, 2012 Mizukoshi et al., 2014
Mucor circinelloides f. circinelloides Isolates Seven isolates from outbreak associated food (yogurt) WGS (HiSeq2000 100PE and 100MPd) and amplicon sequencing (targets specified but no details on sequencing approach) Metataxonomic MLST approach to species and sub-species (formae) identification, targeting three loci (ribosomal internal transcribed spacer and partial large subunit RNA gene, and RNA polymerase subunit gene), complemented with phylogenetic analysis. Whole genome comparison by genome assembly and mapping to genome sequences of two other M. circinelloides isolates USA, 2013 Lee et al., 2014
Kudoa septempunctata Community Frozen filet of outbreak associated food (fish), and vomit samples from patients associated with the outbreak RNAseq on GAII (80PE) complemented with Sanger amplicon sequencing of DNA (1.1 kbp fragment of 18S rRNA gene) In silico subtraction of reads from the food sample against fish genome followed by mapping of remaining reads for taxonomic classification. Metataxonomic analysis of 18S rRNA gene sequence by mapping to multi-species 18S rRNA gene database Japan, 2008–2010 Kawai et al., 2012

The examples are further described and discussed in the main text of this review.


STEC, shiga-toxin producing E. coli.


200PE refers to the use of paired-end sequencing with a read length of 200 bp.


100MP refers to the use of mate-pair sequencing with a read length of 100 bp