Phylogenetic tree of HA1 nucleotide sequences. Phylogenetic analysis of HA1 nucleotide sequences encoded by EIV, subtype H3N8. Bootstrap values obtained after 100 replicated are shown at the major nodes. Accession numbers for the genes reported in this manuscript are listed in Table S1. Red = pre‐divergent; blue = Eurasian; black = American; green = Florida sublineage clade 1; pink = Florida sublineage clade 2. A/eq/Kildare/2/10 is representative of A/eq/Kildare/1/10, A/eq/Kildare/3/10, A/eq/Kildare/4/10, A/eq/Kildare/5/10, A/eq/Kildare/6/10, A/eq/Kildare/7/10, A/eq/Kildare/8/10 and A/eq/Kildare/9/10; A/eq/Kilkenny/3/12 is representative of A/eq/Kilkenny/1/12, A/eq/Kilkenny/2/12, A/eq/Kilkenny/4/12, A/eq/Kilkenny/5/12; A/eq/Kildare/2/12 is representative of A/eq/Cork/1/12, A/eq/Cork/2/12, A/eq/Clare/1/12, A/eq/Clare/2/12, A/eq/Clare/3/12, A/eq/Kildare/1/12, A/eq/Kildare/3/12, A/eq/Kildare/4/12 and A/eq/Kildare/5/12.