The Catalytic Pocket Is Highly Conserved among the Protein Phosphatase Family
(A) Superposition of selected active-site residues and waters of PtpA from M. tuberculosis (PDB: 1U2P) in gray, YwlE arginine phosphatase from G. stearothermophilus (PDB: 4PIC) in yellow, tyrosine phosphatase AmsI from E. amylovora (PDB: 4D74) in cyan, and TT1001 protein from T. thermophilus HB8 (PDB: 2CWD) in gray.
(B) The active site from the Mtb PtpA crystal structure.
(C–F) The active sites from (C) S. aureus, (D) G. stearothermophilus, (E) E. amylovora, and (F) T. thermophilus HB8. The protein residues are drawn in stick representation, and conserved water molecules are drawn as spheres. Atom colors are gray for carbon, blue for nitrogen, red for oxygen, yellow for sulfur, bright orange for selenium, and orange for phosphorus.