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. 2016 Nov 12;10(4):343–361. doi: 10.1007/s12062-016-9168-9

Table 2.

Summarizing Overview of the Profiles of Older People (Mandl et al. 2013)

Fit as a Fiddle an Oldie but a Goodie Hole in the Heart The Car-Full Happily Connected
Demographics main age group 50-59 80-90 50-75 85-100 60-75
financial resources +++ + --- -- ++
still employed +++ -- - --- +
household information married or in partnership single o single married or in partnership
Health general health +++ + -- --- ++
eyesight and hearing +++ -- o --- ++
limitation in activities --- + ++ +++ -
suffer from pain --- - ++ +++ --
dementia / Alzheimer’s --- + -- +++ --
drugs needed --- + +++ +++ +
mobility aid needed --- +++ o +++ -
Transport importance of driving +++ + ++ + ++ particularly for men
importance of public transport -- ++ -- - + particularly for women
importance of walking - +++ -- + ++
number and length of trips +++ -- -- --- ++
purpose of trips work, leisure, socializing (no different to average society) socializing, shopping religious services many trips to hospitals, medical facilities many trips to hospitals, medical facilities, religious services entertainment, recreation, sport, socializing, clubs, family, relatives
Environment problems with infrastructure barriers --- ++ ++ +++ -
afraid of assault / crime --- + ++ ++ -
Life Satisfaction satisfaction and mental health +++ ++ --- --- +++
social networks (friends, neighbours, family,…) ++ ++ - (family mainly) -- (family only) +++
activities (clubs, volunteering, religious organisations,…) +++ + -- --- ++
independency +++ + - --- ++
technology usage ++ -- o --- +
transitions live changing events retirement, birth of grandchildred, severe illness severe illness, death of a close person severe illness, loss of social contacts, death of partner illness, need for (nursing) care, loss of social contact death of partner, severe illness
follow-up profiles Happily Connected, Hole in the Heart the Care-Full the Care-Full, an Oldie but a Goodie x an Oldie but o Goodie, Hole in the Heart, the Care-Full

(+++ above average; --- below average; o not clear) ratings derived from data analysis, literature, surveys, expert input