Fig. 1.
Genomic organization of the Texas EV-G stains and phylogenetic analysis of the insertion region. (a) The Texas EV-G viral ssRNA genomes contain a single ORF. These two strains contain a large 669 nt (233 aa) insertion (blue) with cleavage sites (EALFQ*GPPT) located at both ends of the insertion. The nucleotide (nt) and amino acid (aa) indices are shown, marking the boundaries of the insertion sequence. (b) The 3Cpro cleavage site between the 2C and 3A genes was analysed for nucleotide and amino acid conservation across all EV-G strains with complete genomes. The vertical black lines indicate where peptide cleavage occurs. The two Texas strains are highlighted in blue, and dots represent identical positions. Sequence positions correspond to the Texas1 strain. (c) Multiple sequence alignment of 223 aa Texas insertion and Torovirus strains revealing a core 173 aa region of considerable conservation, including multiple regions with 100 % aa identity. Sequence positions correspond to the Texas1 strain. GenBank accession numbers for each strain (top to bottom): KY498016.1, KY498017.1, NC_022787.1, KM403390.1, NC_007447.1, LC088094.1, LC088095.1 and DQ310701.1. (d) Mid-root phylogenetic tree of the Texas EV-G insertion nucleotide sequences aligned against six related Torovirus nucleotide sequences. Genomes are coloured according to their host species and labelled with strain names and Genbank accession numbers. Bootstrap support values are labelled as percentages.