Phylogenetic tree of group F bZIP proteins from cereals and Arabidopsis.
A neighbour‐joining tree was generated for Arabidopsis (At), rice, Oryza sativa (Os), Brachypodium distachyon (Bd), barley, Hordeum vulgare (Hv), and wheat, Triticum aestivum (Ta) group F bZIP coding sequence translations. The Muscle algorithm (Edgar, 2004) was used for the alignment of sequences and the phylogenetic tree was created using mega (v.5.2) software. Evolutionary distances were computed using the p‐distance method and are in units of the number of amino acid differences per site. A thousand bootstrap replicates were used and bootstrap values are shown as percentages. Gene nomenclature for Arabidopsis is from Jakoby et al. (2002), Brachypodium is from Liu and Chu (2015), rice is from Corrêa et al. (2008) and barley is from Pourabed et al. (2015). Full accession information for the wheat genes is provided in Table S2.