Mean ± SD effects of different breakfasts on glucose AUCi, glycemic index, and glycemic load values. Glucose AUCi values for the glucose drink (A) and white bread (B) and glycemic index (C) and glycemic load (D) values for white bread after consumption of breakfasts varying in macronutrient compositions are presented. Differences in glucose AUCi, glycemic index, and glycemic load values between test breakfasts over a 2-h test period were determined with the use of a mixed-design ANOVA model with the participant as a random effect and the test breakfast as a fixed effect. The Tukey-Kramer method was used for post hoc analyses. Significance was accepted at P ≤ 0.05. Means with different letters are significantly different from each other. n = 20. AUCi, incremental AUC; C-GLU, carbohydrate, glucose drink; C-WB, carbohydrate, white bread; F-GLU, fat, glucose drink; F-WB, fat, white bread; P-GLU, protein, glucose drink; P-WB, protein, white bread.