Fig. 1.
HG induces TXNIP expression and ROS/RNS generation in retinal pericytes. (a) Quantitative RT-PCR for TXNIP. HG increases TXNIP mRNA level significantly in retinal pericytes at day 5 (1.45+/−0.14; n=4; p=0.01) when compared with LG. (b) IHC of TXNIP in pericytes cultured under HG for 5 days shows enhanced TXNIP staining than in LG (arrows). A representative of n=3 is shown. (c) WB of TXNIP in TR-rPCT1. There is also a significant increase (p<0.05) in TXNIP protein in HG at day 5 (2.58+/−0.77; n=4) when compared with LG.