Fig. 7.
HG does not increase autophagic response in retinal pericytes but induces GADD153 DNA binding activity. (a) IHC of LC3B antibody. The number and size of LC3B punctae (red dots) were marginally increased in IHC. (b) However, on Western blots LC3BII levels, the cleaved and active form, are not significantly different between HG and LG. β-Actin was used for normalization. A representative of n=3 is shown for each experiment. ((c)–(d)) EMSA for DNA damage repair protein p53 and pro-apotptotic GADD153. EMSA shows that the DNA binding activity of (c) p53 is unaltered by HG while that of (d) GADD153 is enhanced. The specificity of the reaction is indicated by a competitive inhibition with excess cold probe and a lack of protein–DNA band shift by mannitol. Lane 1. Probe alone; Lane 2. LG; Lane 3. HG; Lane 4. Mannitol; and Lane 5. HG+cold probe (n=3–4 for each experiment).