Table 1.
Authors | Publication year | Journal | Country | Study years | Type of radiotherapy (number of patients treated) | N of pts with Radiation | Median age (range) | % of male pts | N of pts with surgery prior to radiation (%) | Median Follow-up, months (range) | Adjusted NOS Score |
Bir et al. [17] | 2015 | Journal of neurological surgery | United States | 2000–2013 | Gamma Knife Radiosurgery (53) | 53 | 56 (18–83) | 56.1 | 53 (100) | 45.57 (12–157) | 4/6 |
Diallo et al. [18] | 2015 | Endocrine | France | 1991–2011 | Fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy linac (34) | 34 | Mean 45 (5–65) | 52.9 | 30 (88.2) | Mean 152 (39–268) | 6/6 |
Elborsson et al. [19] | 2010 | Growth Hormone & IGF Research | Sweden | 1987–2006 | Two- or three-field technique radiotherapy | 36 | Mean 53 | 83.3 | 36 (100) | 120 | 9/9 |
Flickinger et al. [20] | 1989 | Pituitary irradiation and stroke | United States | 1964–1987 | Cesium teletherapy machine (25), cobalt-60 (30), 6, 8, or 18 mV linear accelerator (51), Ns (50) | 156 | Mean 47 | 72.0 | 118 (75.6) | Ns | 4/6 |
Hashimoto et al. [21] | 1986 | Surgical Neurology | Japan | 1965–1984 | Conventional radiotherapy, cobalt-60 (139) | 139 | Mean 41 (14–79) | 49.8 | 135 (100) | Ns | 4/6 |
Inoue et al. [22] | 1999 | Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery | Japan | 1991–1998 | Gamma Knife Radiosurgery (63) | 35* | Mean 47 (19–79) | 47,9 | Ns | >24* | 6/9 |
Olsson et al. [23] | 2016 | European Journal of Endocrinology | Sweden | 1997–2011 | Radiotherapy (104), unspecified | 104 | Mean 58.4 (1–97) | 53.7 | Ns | Ns | 5/7 |
Sattler et al. [5] | 2013 | International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics | The Netherlands | 1959–2008 | Rotational (8), two fields (19), two fields and three fields (16), two fields and five fields (29), three fields(68), three fields and five fields (2), four fields (3), tetraedertechnique (47), five-fields technique (41), and Ns(3) | 462 | 46 (10–83) | 47.0 | 462 (100) | 14 (1–49) | 8/9 |
Schalin-Jantti et al. [24] | 2010 | Clinical endocrinology | Finland | 1998–2005 | Fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (30) | 30 | 50 (24–71) | 70.0 | 25 (83.3) | 63 (20–125) | 5/6 |
van Varsseveld et al. [6] | 2015 | Journal of clinical endo-crinology and metabolism | The Netherlands | 1998–2009 | Conventional radiotherapy (429), stereotactic radiotherapy (27) | 456 | Mean 49 | 61.1 | 452 (99.1) | 120 (1.2–654) IRR: 152.4 |
9/9 |
Vargas et al. [25] | 2015 | International journal of endocrinology | Mexico | 2008–2013 | Three-dimensional, conformal, external beam radiotherapy (51) | 51 | Mean 53 | 54.0 | 51 | 78 (53–127) IRR: 60 |
7/9 |
N number, pts patients, NOS Newcastle Ottawa quality assessment Scale, linac linear accelerator, mV mega-electron-volt, Ns not stated, IRR irradiated
*35 out of 63 patients treated with Gamma Knife Radiosurgery were followed-up for >2 years