Precuneus resting state functional connectivity (rs-fc) results. 5A. MwoA showed reduced precuneus rs-fc with the supramarginal gyrus and inferior temporal gyrus, compared with HC. 5B. MwoA patients showed increased right precuneus rs-fc with the bilateral rACC/MPFC, ventral striatum, DLPFC and VLPFC, due to acupuncture treatment (verum + sham). A threshold of Voxelwise P < 0.005 and p < 0.05 FWE corrected was applied. AG, acupuncture groups; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; HC, healthy controls; Inf, inferior; L, left side; MPFC, medial prefrontal cortex; MwoA, migraine without aura; Mid, middle; R, right side; rACC, rostral anterior cingulate cortex; VLPFC, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex.