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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Feb 1.
Published in final edited form as: Cephalalgia. 2016 Jul 11;37(2):161–176. doi: 10.1177/0333102416641665

Table 4.

The rFPN resting state functional connectivity (ICA). AG, acupuncture groups; G, gyrus; HC, healthy controls; Inf, inferior; L, left side; MwoA, migraine without aura; Mid, middle; PCC, posterior cingulate cortex; R, right side; rFPN, right frontoparietal network; Sup, superior; SII, secondary somatosensory cortex; VAS, visual analogue scale

rFPN resting state functional connectivity differences between MwoA patients and healthy controls at baseline Association between VAS and rFPN resting state functional connectivity in MwoA patients at baseline
Contrast Voxels Brain Region MNI (x, y, z) Z Contrast Voxels Brain Region MNI (x, y, z) Z

HC>MwoA 884 L/R Precuneus −6 −58 46 4.12 Positive 358 L/R precunues 4 −60 54 3.78

595 L SII −54 −32 22 4.17 349 L Sup Frontal G −14 68 10 4.14

689 L Lingual G −10 −98 −16 4.54 191 R/L pgACC/mPFC −4 44 0 3.54

829 L Fusiform G/Mid/Sup Temporal G −46 −52 −10 4.48

426 R Lingual/Cuneus 18 −84 4 4.17

1086 R Sup/Mid/Inf Tempotal G 38 −74 −4 4.57

273 R Cerebellum 40 −40 −28 4.72

MwoA>HC No brain region above the threshold Negative 162 R Inf Temporal G 52 −14 −32 4.22

Changes of rFPN resting state functional connectivity in MwoA patients before and after acupuncture treatment Association between VAS changes (post minus pre) and corresponding rFPN functional connectivity changes in MwoA patients
Contrast Voxels Brain Region MNI (x, y, z) Z Contrast Voxels Brain Region MNI (x, y, z) Z

Pre>Post 569 R Precuneus 22 −62 40 4.02 Positive 212 L/R Precuneus −2 −70 34 3.39

195 L Mid Frontal G −38 34 14 3.59 268 R Postcentral G 14 −34 72 3.87

Post>Pre 183 R/L dorsal PCC 10 −38 24 3.74 Negative No brain region above the threshold