Figure 6. Psychiatric and cognitive functions are unaffected in HdhQ350/+ males and females.
On the elevated plus maze, HdhQ350/+ (A) males and (B) females generally spent similar amounts of time in the closed arms than their respective wild-type littermates. HdhQ350/+ (C) males and (D) females spent similar amounts of time in the open arms than their respective wild-type littermates. Exploration was measured by the distance mice traveled within the first hour of being placed into the PhenoTyper chamber. (E) Male HdhQ350/+ mice and (F) female HdhQ350/+ mice covered similar distances than their respective wild-type littermates at 40 and 60 weeks of age. N=7–8 for all groups. Error bars represent S.E.M., with two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post-hoc test.