Fig. 1.
Limitation of OAS or sulfide for Cys biosynthesis results in decreased translation and distinct metabolic phenotype. a Metabolic pathway of cysteine biosynthesis. b Rosette phenotype of 7-week-old wild-type serat tko and sir1-1 grown in hydroponic culture. Scale bar, 2 cm. c Global translation rate in different genotypes as determined by time-resolved incorporation of 3H-glutamic acid into proteins (n = 3, mean ± s.e.m., one-way ANOVA, *p < 0.05). d Relative fold change of metabolites is depicted as a heat map in cysteine-synthesis-depleted mutants compared to wild type (n = 3–4, one-way ANOVA, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01)