Zika virus sensing is mediated by IRF3 and RIGI. (A and B) FACS staining of mock-infected and Zika virus-infected Scramble, IFR3 KD, and RIGI KD A549 cells with CEACAM1 (A) or MHC class I molecules (B). The black Scramble histograms in the IRF3 KD and RIGI KD panels are identical and are shown twice for the sake of clarity. Median fluorescence intensities are given at the top right and are color-coded. The histograms combine data from three independent experiments. (C to E) mRNA levels, quantified by qRT-PCR, of CEACAM1 (C), MHC class I (D), and IFN-β (E) in IFR3 KD and RIGI KD A549 cells, compared to levels in A549 cells transduced with a scrambled sequence (C and D) or normalized to β-actin mRNA levels (E). Each experiment was repeated three times. (F) Primary IL-2-activated NK cells were incubated with the indicated targets at a 1:1 ratio. CD107a degranulation (as a percentage of the baseline value) was assessed. The experiment was conducted twice and included four independent NK donors. For panels C to F, analysis of variance was used to identify significant group differences, followed by Fisher protected least-significant-difference comparisons. Values are shown as means ± standard errors of the means; *, P < 0.05.