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. 2017 Oct 12;2017:9878109. doi: 10.1155/2017/9878109

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Schematic diagram of the standardized experimental model used to induce cutaneous burns in rats (R1, R2, R3, R4 - 5 Volt relays; E1, E2 - 220 V solenoid valves; T1, T2 - LM35 temperature sensors; PA1, PA2 - water pump; FD - filter sludge trap; B1 - cocking button; B2 – trigger button; NI-DAQ 6211 acquisition card with the following ports: A1 - analog input of temperature sensor T1, A2 - analog input of temperature sensor T2, D1 - digital output controlling relay R1 solenoid valve command E1, D2 - digital output controlling relay R2 solenoid valve command E2, D3 - digital output controlling steam generator, D4- digital input arming button B1, D5 - digital input trigger button B2, D6 - digital output controlling water pump command PA1; steam generator; laptop; 12 Volt power supply; steam pipe; silicone head).