Figure 2.
Nephila clavipes Virgaviridae like viruses (A) Genome graphs depicting genomes and predicted gene products of N. clavipes virga-like viruses (NcVV1-2) and N. clavipes strains of Hubei virga-like virus 11 [Hvl11 (Ncs)] and N. clavipes associated strain of Remania mosaic virus RMV (Ncas). Pfam, PROSITE, GENE3D, SignalP, and Superfamily predicted domains (E-value ≤ 1e-5) are shown in purple, Bordeaux, pink, orange, and green, respectively. Predicted domain data is available in Supplementary Tables 5–8. WFV6-Ncs, N. clavipes strain of Wuhan fly virus 6; Hvl11-Ncs, N. clavipes strain of Hubei virga-like virus 11; RMV-Ncas, N. clavipes associated strain of Remania mosaic virus. (B) Maximum likelihood unrooted branched phylogenetic tree based in MAFFT alignments of predicted replicase proteins of Nephila clavipes virga-like viruses (black stars), and related viruses. Genera of viruses of the Virgaviridae family are indicated by colors. Scale bar represents substitutions per site. (C) Rooted layout of the preceding phylogenetic tree. Magnifications of relevant regions of the tree are presented on the right and indicated by puzzle pieces. Reported hosts of viruses are represented by silhouettes. † represent mosquitoes and ¥ flies. Branch labels represent FastTree support values. Complete tree showing tip species, host and virus assigned taxonomy labels are available as (Supplementary Figures 4–6).