Figure 5.
miRNA-324-reguated Ttbk1 presumably plays a crucial role in the recruitment of synapse innervation and associative memory cells in barrel cortices. Left panel shows the synapse innervation on barrel cortical neurons from piriform cortical neurons and the recruitment of associative memory cells in the BC. Right panel shows the potential molecular mechanisms underlying the recruitments of synapse innervation and associative memory cells. The upregulated miRNA-324 downregulates mRNA Ttbk1 and protein Ttbk1, which reduces the phosphorylation of microtubule-associated protein Tau (MAP-Tau) by shifting the balance between MAP-Tau phosphorylation and dephosphorylation toward dephosphorylated MAP-Tau. These dephosphorylated Tau can stabilize microtubules and facilitate axon growth from the PC as well as synapse and associative memory cell recruitments in the BC.