Figure 2.
HS intake elevated BP, which was reduced by Ets-1 mutation. Four groups of rats followed the protocol outlined at the top of the figure. Baseline BP did not differ among the groups during LS intake. When placed on the HS (4% NaCl) diet, both ES (termed ES HS) and SS (termed SS HS) groups demonstrated sharp increases in SBP and DBP during the first week of study. For the remainder of the study, the elevation of BP was significantly reduced in rats with the Ets-1 mutation (ES HS), compared with SS HS. BP did not significantly increase in both SS and ES rats that remained on the LS diet (groups SS LS and ES LS). *P value <0.05 versus SS LS; #P value <0.05 versus SS HS; n=6 animals in each group.