ETS-1 was involved in glomerular expression of MCP-1 and MMP2. In initial studies, rat mesangial cells were incubated in medium containing angiotensin II, 1 µM, for 0, 2, and 4 hours and then subjected to ChIP assays (left panel). Two regions, ChIP2 (−788 to –844) and ChIP7 (−3432) in the MCP-1 promoter, showed increased binding of ETS-1. *P value <0.05 versus angiotensin II for 0 hours. Western analyses were performed on glomerular lysates obtained from the SS or ES rats on the HS or LS diet for 7 days (right panel). Basal levels of ETS-1 expression were low in both SS and ES rats maintained on the LS diet. Increased dietary salt intake increased ETS-1 expression in the glomerular lysates in SS HS group, but was attenuated in the ES HS group. MCP-1 and MMP-2 expression were also increased with 7 days of high salt intake in the SS group, and were attenuated in the ES group. *P value <0.05 versus SS LS, ES LS, and ES HS groups; n=6 animals in each group. Ab, antibody.