Fig. 2.
Phase diagram for 16:0 Cer monolayers. Surface pressure vs. temperature phase diagram of 16:0 Cer from isotherms (circles) and isobars (triangles) data. A solid, a liquid-condensed (LC) and a liquid expanded (LE) phase are identified in the temperature and pressure range explored. Additionally, the collapse point of each isotherm provides information of the transition to the collapsed phase. Black symbols correspond to second-order transitions, gray and white symbols correspond to the beginning and the end of first-order transitions, respectively. The gray shadowed areas indicate phase coexistence regions: the bottom left triangle indicates gas–solid coexistence only for the first compression of the monolayer; the small triangle in the bottom center is a three-phase (LC/LE/gas) coexistence region and the shadowed area on the right corresponds to a LC–LE coexistence region. Image size 372 × 466 μm. The data correspond to the whole set of experiments where each point corresponds to a single experiment. The images are representative experiments. Modified from Fanani and Maggio (2010)