Hemolytic effect elicited by Tween 20 on human erythrocytes under isotonic condition: a Hemoglobin-release curves determined at Ht = 0.075, (■). 0.15% (●). 0.225% (▴) and 0.30% (▾), in 5 mM PBS buffer, pH 7.4, 37 °C; b Tween 20 concentration (Csat, Csol) for the onset (saturation) and total solubilization vs membrane lipid concentration (L); c Csat and Csol values, determined from the hemolytic curves in (a); d effective detergent/lipid ratios for the onset (Re
sat) and 100% solubilization (Re
sol), binding constant (K) and concentration of free detergent in water (Dw)