Fig. 4.
Go-no-go auditory detection task. a Example trial: in 70% of the trials, the animal was presented with brief tones (left panel). Mice had to respond by rotating the wheel in either direction. In the remaining 30% of trials, no tone was presented and the mouse had to refrain from rotating the wheel (right panel). b Trial structure of reward and negative feedback; ITI inter trial interval (randomized), OL open-loop period, CL close-loop period. c Box-and-whisker plot comparing percentage of Hit, Miss, false alarm (FA), and correct rejection (CR) responses of a representative mouse for first 10 sessions (Naive) and 15 consecutive sessions after the mouse reached a performance of d′ > 1.5 (learning). The whiskers show the minimum and maximum of data distribution; box lines show the 25th percentile, the median, and the 75th percentile. In naive mice, FA rates are higher than Hit rates possibly due to a startle reflex following the target sound presentation (P < 0.005, n = 10 sessions, Wilcoxon signed rank test)