Fig. 7.
Optimal response functions. a One good offered in fixed quantity (ρ = 2). Gray dots represent offer types presented in the session and the dotted line represents the indifference line. Good A is always offered in quantity 1 while good B varies in the range [0 5]. Optimal response functions are shown in the lower panels. b Idealized experimental session (ρ = 2). For each good, quantities vary in the range [0 5], but in each offer type at least one good is offered in quantity 1. Lower panels show the optimal response functions (ORF, step functions). c Idealized experimental session (ρ = 3). d Optimal mean response functions. The histogram represents the distribution of ρ/Q B, where ρ is the relative value and Q B is the maximum quantity of juice B offered. Lower panels show the mean optimal response functions, mean(ORF). For offer value B, the response function is computed as the cumulative distribution function for ρ/Q B. e Idealized session with uniform distribution and equal value ranges (a.u.). Lower panels show the corresponding optimal response functions (ORFuniform). Note that the curvature of ORFuniform is in the same direction as that observed on average in the neuronal population (Fig. 2a, histogram)