Fig. 2.
AMFs are potent PYL receptor agonists. a–d Agonist dose–response curves for AMFs and AMC1β. Dose-dependent interactions between HAB1 and PYR1 (a), PYL1 (b), PYL2 (c), or PYL7 (d) in the presence of all five AMFs, AMC1β, AM1 and (+)-ABA are determined in AlphaScreen assays. EC50 values for the interactions are listed below the curves (n = 3, error bars = SD). e Inhibition of HAB1 activity induced by AMFs and mediated by the 11 PYLs in phosphatase activity assays. The working concentration is 1 μM for AMF1β, AMF2α, and (+)-ABA. Values are means ± SD (n = 3). f Dose-dependent inhibition of HAB1 activity resulting from the binding of AMFs to the PYL2–HAB1 complex. The working concentrations are 1 and 0.1 μM for all five AMFs and (+)-ABA. Values are means ± SD (n = 3)