VirFind |
Ho and Tzanetakis, 2014
Web based tool that maps and removes host reads, gives taxonomic information for virus reads |
Quality Control
Mapping to host: Bowtie2 (Langmead, 2013)
Assembly of non-host reads: Velvet
Contigs compared with GenBank using Blastx
Unmapped reads translated and compared against NCBI conserved domain database (Marchler-Bauer et al., 2015)
38 Plant samples from 19 species |
Web based tool with GUI
Taxonomer |
Flygare et al., 2016
Fast web-based metagenomics analysis tool based on k-mer profiling |
Comprised of 4 modules
Binner: compares reads to reference k-mer database [based on 21-kmers created using Kanalyze (Audano and Vannberg, 2014)] assigning to broad taxa (human, virus, bacteria)
Classifier: exact k-mer matching within taxonomic bins against k-mer databases created from UniRef datasets (Suzek et al., 2015) (e.g., viral UniRef90)
Protonomer: further classification in protein space
AfterBurner: discovery of novel taxa
Human |
mRNA |
VSD toolkit |
Barrero et al., 2017
Modules and workflows in the Yabi analytical environment for identification of viral sequences in plants |
Quality Control
De novo assembly: SPAdes (Bankevich et al., 2012)
Overlapping contigs merged
Contigs >40 nt aligned to plant, virus and viroid Genbank databases using Blastn and Blastx
Unmapped contigs filtered and analyzed to identify putative circular viroids
21 Plant genomes |
sRNA |
Source code available to use with Yabi (Hunter et al., 2012)
Metavisitor |
Carissimo et al., 2017
Modular tools and workflows within the Galaxy analytical environment, designed for detection and reconstruction of viral genomes |
Quality control
Mapping to host, symbionts and parasites: Bowtie2
Unmapped reads assembled using Velvet + Oases (Schulz et al., 2012) or Trinity
Contigs compared to Genbank virus database using Blastx and Blastn
Blast guided scaffolding of selected virus sequences
Human Drosphila Mosquito |
mRNA |
Source code available to use within Galaxy (Afgan et al., 2016). Galaxy Toolshed: suite_metavisitor_1_2 Galaxy instance:
Li et al., 2016
An integrated pipeline for metagenomics of virus identification and discovery |
Quality Control
Mapping to host: Bowtie2
Fast Mode: reads mapped to Virus Pathogen Resource (ViPR) (Pickett et al., 2012) and Influenza Database (Squires et al., 2012)
Sense mode: reads mapped to virus RefSeq (O'Leary et al., 2016) nucleotide
Unmapped reads mapped to RefSeq protein: RAPSearch (Zhao et al., 2012)
Options for de novo assembly with Velvet-Oases
Human |
mRNA |
Local Installation. Code available at
ViromeScan |
Rampelli et al., 2016
Tool for metagenomics viral community profiling |
Mapping to built-in databases (includes plants): Bowtie2
Mapped reads processed for quality
Human Best Match Tagger (BMTagger) (Agarwala and Aleksandr, 2011) used to screen out human and bacterial sequences
Screened reads re-mapped to virus database: Bowtie2
Human |
mRNA |
Local installation. Code available at
VirusHunter |
Zhao et al., 2013
Data analysis pipeline for novel virus identification from Roche 454 sequencers and other long read platforms |
Similar reads clustered using CD-Hit (Li and Godzik, 2006) and longest sequence used as representative
Repeat regions masked with Repeat Masker (Smit et al., 2013)
Mapping to host (default: Human): Blastn
Unmapped sequences aligned to NCBI nucleotide database and classified into taxonomies
Unmapped sequences mapped to NCBI nr databases using Blastx
BHK (hamster) cell culture infected with viruses |
mRNA | available upon request for local installation |
ezVIR |
Petty et al., 2014
Bioinformatics pipeline to evaluate spectrum of known human viruses |
Mapping to host (Human genome): Bowtie2
Nonhost mapped to custom virus database: Bowtie2
Additional analysis on specific mapped classes provides targeted strain classification
Human |
mRNA |
Local installation. Code available:
Virus Detect |
Zheng et al., 2017
Bioinformatics pipeline to analyse sRNA datasets for both known and novel virus identification |
Maps reads to virus reference sequences: BWA
Mapped reads assembled using references
Mapped reads de novo assembled using Velvet
Reference assemblies and de novo assemblies pooled and redundant sequences removed
Contigs compared to virus reference nulcotides: Blastn
Unmatched contigs matched to virus reference Blastx
Plants (Potato) |
sRNA |
VirusFinder |
Wang et al., 2013
Software for detection of viruses and their host integration sites |
Mapping to host (Human genome): Bowtie2
Non-host reads mapped one of two virus databases (Hirahata et al., 2007; Bhaduri et al., 2012): Bowtie2
Mapped reads de novo assembled: Trinity
Contigs mapped to virus database and human genome
For specific virus of interest host integration sites are identified using BWA (Li and Durbin, 2009)
Human |
RNA-seq WGS Targeted | |