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. 2017 Feb 11;6(3-4):105–116. doi: 10.1159/000456622

Table 1.

Literature review on radiation during cerebral angiography and cerebral interventions (comparison with the results from the current study]

Reference (first author) Year n DAP, Gy × cm2 P CAK, Gy FT, min Number of DSA frames Details
Cerebral angiography

This study 2017 398 43.1 (33.3–59.7) FRT: 0.26 (0.20–0.33)
LAT: 0.09 (0.07–0.13)
FRT+LAT: 0.35 (0.28–0.45)
5.6 (4.2–7.5) 245 (193–314) FPD only

Brambilla [34] 2004 188 158a (198b) <0.01 13.7a (17.5b)

Verdun [35 2005 91 107a (124b) <0.01

Aroua [36] 2007 91 121a (125b) <0.01 12.6a (2–85c) 679a (32–5,486c)

Vano [22] 2008 72 (107b) (12b) (550b)

Bleeser [37] 2008 616 (71b)

Sarycheva [25] 2010 138 86a (13–313c) <0.01 1.5a (0.3–9.9c) 343a (60–1,125c)

Alexander [27] 2010 432 102.4a <0.01 11.2a image intensifier only; no DAP values on FPD

Kien [38] 2011 1,786 152 (229b) <0.01 8.9 (14b) 326 (472b) cerebral angiography diagnostic: 3 or more axes

D'Ercole [39] 2012 113 131 (180b) <0.01 8.5 (12.3b) 220 (317b)

Söderman [26] 2013 174 47 (28–76) <0.01 FRT: 0.21 (0.13–0.37) FAT: 0.06 (0.03–0.11) 6 (4–9) 278 (173–402) FPD only

Chun [40] 2014 439 136.6a (154.2b) <0.01 12.6a (14b) 251a (273b) FPD only; control excluded; image frames

Chung [24] 2015 42–50d FRT+FAT:
System 0: 1.525a
System 1: 1.499a
System 2: 1.184a
System 3: 0.973a
system 0: image intensifier; systems 1, 2, 3: FPD

Schneider [19] 2016 200 78.6 (n/a) <0.01 FRT+LAT: 0.653 (n/a) 6.6 adults only; FPD
Neurointerventional procedures

This study 2017 357 66.0 (40.7–110.8) FRT: 0.46 (0.25–0.80)
LAT: 0.18 (0.10–0.30)
FRT+FAT: 0.64 (0.37–1.10)
18.3 (9.1–30.2) 281 (184–427) 33 AVF/AVM embolization, 71 aneurysm embolization, 73 stroke mechanical thrombectomy, 180 other interventions

Verdun [35] 2005 52 335a (352b) <0.01 1 therapeutic obstruction (coiling) during the treatment of AVM, AVF, intracranial aneurisms, tumors, or hemorrhagic lesions

Aroua [36] 2007 91 121a (125b) <0.01 36.5a (3.3–134c) 760a (60–3,348c) therapeutic obstruction (coiling) during the treatment of AVM, AVF, intracranial aneurisms, tumors, or hemorrhagic lesions

Suzuki [41] 2008 103 257a <0.01 67.3a 883a cerebral embolization (AVM, aneurysm, AVF)

Alexander [27] 2010 311 167.3a <0.01 image intensifier only; no DAP values on FPD

Sarycheva [25] 2010 66 145a (20–548c) <0.01 4.1a (1.4–26.2c) 249a (85–1,572c) therapeutic

D'Ercole [39] 2012 72 352 (487b) <0.01 34.6 (46.3b) 559 (717b) cerebral embolization (aneurysm or AVM)

Vano [5] 2013 year 2009: n = 90;
year 2010: n = 92
year 2009: 242 (386b); year 2010: 270 (392b) <0.01 year 2009: FRT+LAT: 2.4 (3.9b)
year 2010: FRT+LAT: 2.5 (3.3b)
cerebral embolization; cumulative skin dose; FPD

Söderman [26] 2013 138 109 (67–196) <0.01 FRT: 0.68 (0.38–1.35) FAT: 0.21 (0.10–0.45) 12 (5–16) 464 (299–845) FPD; 4 AVM, 38 aneurysms, 45 stroke, 51 other interventions

Kahn [42] 2016 30 150a <0.01 FRT+FAT: 1.650a 51.1a aneurysm coiling, balloon angioplasty, stroke intervention, tumor and AVM embolization; reduced dose group

AVF/AVM embolization

This study 2017 33 149.6 (114.7–206.4) FRT: 0.99 (0.65–1.55)
LAT: 0.56 (0.28–0.75)
FRT+LAT: 1.65 (0.96–2.35)
57.0 (36.4–76.1) 706 (522–904) AVF/AVM embolization

Miller [43] 2003 177 339a (39.8–1,351c) <0.01 FRT+LAT: 3.79a (0.04–13.410c) 92.5a (2.6–313.7c) 1,037a (71–2,654c) AVM embolization

Miller [20] 2009 530d FRT+LAT: 6.00d 135d 1,500d AVM embolization
Alexander [27] 2010 74 160.9a >0.05 36.5a AVM; fistula; image intensifier only, no DAP values
8 195.6a 44.5a on FPD

Kien [38] 2011 370 269 (435b) <0.01 38 (61b) 770 (1,410b) AVM embolization

Kien [38] 2011 75 364 (726b) <0.01 59 (82b) 770 (1,036b) AVF embolization

Slater [44] 2014 44 338 (225–528) <0.01 AVM embolization

Aneurysm embolization

This study 2017 71 78.7 (59.5–111.9) FRT: 0.71 (0.48–0.94)
LAT: 0.29 (0.23–0.40)
FRT+LAT: 1.04 (0.73–1.34)
25.7 (19.9–34.8) 300 (212–428) aneurysm embolization

Miller [43] 2003 149 282.7a (67.9–825.5c) <0.01 FRT+LAT: 3.77a (1.28–9.81c) 75a (15.2–401.3c) 1,070a (292–2,440°) aneurysm embolization

Miller [20] 2009 360d FRT+LAT: 4.75d 90d 1,350d aneurysm embolization

Alexander [27] 2010 60 172.3a <0.01 36.5a aneurysm (image intensifier only, no DAP values on FPD)

Kien [38] 2011 1,034 235 (349b) <0.01 37 (58b) 810 (1,199b) aneurysm embolization

Kien [38] 2011 628 188 (272b) <0.01 aneurysm embolization; FPD only

Chun [40] 2014 111 226.0a (272.8b) <0.01 52.9a (61.1b) 241a (276.0b) endovascular coil; embolization of intracranial aneurysms; image frames; FPD

Slater [44] 2014 188 211 (130–328) <0.01 cerebral aneurysm embolization

Ihn [45] 2016 371 179.0 (104.5–271.0) <0.01 FRT+LAT: 2.80 (1.69–4.47) 44.5 (30.4–64.7) 412.5 (241.5–567.3) aneurysmal coil embolization

Values are given as median (IQR) unless otherwise indicated. AVF, arteriovenous fistula; AVM, arteriovenous malformation; CAK, cumulative air kerma; DAP, dose-area product; DSA, digital subtraction angiography; FPD, flat-panel detector; FRT, frontal plane; FRT+LAT, cumulated on frontal and lateral plane; FT, fluoroscopy time; LAT, lateral plane; n/a, not available.




Third quartile.




Dose reference level (based on 75th percentile) p value from nonparametric 1-sample sign test when referenced data provided as median and 1-sample t test when referenced data provided as mean.