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. 2017 Oct 6;2(3):376–403. doi: 10.20411/pai.v2i3.218

Supplemental Table 1A.

Supplemental Table 1. The concentration of total and free fatty acids is altered in HIV infection at baseline and week 48 compared to levels in HIV-uninfected donors. Plasma samples were thawed and the concentration (μM) of A) total and B) free (non-esterified) fatty acids were measured by the Complex Lipid Panel (Metabolon). Several changes in the concentrations of SaFAs, MUFAs, and PUFAs were measured among samples from HIV-uninfected participants, and in samples from HIV-infected individuals pre-ART initiation (baseline) and following 48 weeks of ART. Mean levels and standard deviations are reported. Statistically significant differences among the participant groups are designated in bold text; an exploratory value of P < 0.05 is used for a cutoff of significance.

Type Lipid Number Common Name HIV- (n = 13
HIV+ Baseline (n = 35)
HIV+ Week 48 (n = 35)
P values
Concentraton (μM) StD Concentraton (μM) StD Concentraton (μM) StD HIV- v HIV+ Baseline HIV- v HIV+ Week 48 HIV + Baseline v Week 48
SaFA Total[FA12:0] Lauric Acid 16.12 7.46 33.96 33.54 39.77 55.93 0.0051 0.019 0.58
SaFA Total[FA14:0] Myristc Acid 170.22 84.34 198.50 123.33 215.48 175.26 0.37 0.24 0.46
SaFA Total[FA15:0] Pentadecylic Acid 36.04 14.00 41.64 23.95 41.30 29.86 0.32 0.33 0.86
SaFA Total[FA16:0] Palmitc Acid 2663.13 573.89 2654.08 924.25 2795.67 1153.88 0.97 0.60 0.31
SaFA Total[FA17:0] Margaric Acid 46.64 13.53 55.65 28.39 54.31 29.26 0.15 0.22 0.73
SaFA Total[FA18:0] Stearic Acid 722.38 163.34 714.94 218.48 711.97 241.36 0.90 0.87 0.93
SaFA Total[FA20:0] Arachidic Acid 65.11 92.69 34.50 11.57 36.40 12.10 0.26 0.29 0.24
SaFA Total[FA22:0] Behenic Acid 52.26 15.15 39.25 11.37 44.15 10.38 0.012 0.093 0.0074
SaFA Total[FA24:0] Lignoceric Acid 42.78 14.65 30.75 8.51 33.58 7.39 0.014 0.048 0.024
SaFA Total[FA26:0] Cerotc Acid 0.53 0.14 0.47 1.36 0.46 0.12 0.15 0.092 0.70
MUFA Total[FA14:1] Myristoleic Acid 11.75 5.62 15.48 11.81 15.87 13.73 0.15 0.15 0.85
MUFA Total[FA16:1] Palmitoleic Acid 283.65 102.04 313.76 197.72 320.79 205.12 0.50 0.41 0.81
MUFA Total[FA18:1] Oleic Acid 2357.10 502.91 2702.77 1136.79 2579.16 1121.12 0.15 0.35 0.39
MUFA Total[FA20:1] Gondoic Acid 26.10 10.59 25.30 12.57 22.96 7.73 0.83 0.34 0.096
MUFA Total[FA22:1] Erucic Acid 35.47 6.29 25.90 6.70 28.84 6.79 0.00013 0.0042 0.0029
MUFA Total[FA24:1] Nervonic Acid 75.46 12.42 61.58 17.97 64.74 15.70 0.0050 0.020 0.14
MUFA Total[FA26:1] Hexacosanoic Acid 0.95 0.21 0.75 0.22 0.78 0.22 0.0089 0.025 0.36
PUFA Total[FA18:2] Linoleic Acid 3763.40 871.88 3341.16 909.24 3390.61 834.08 0.15 0.20 0.67
PUFA Total[FA18:3] α-Linolenic Acid 163.59 38.41 169.58 2.99 174.45 94.37 0.75 0.57 0.74
PUFA Total[FA18:4] Stearidonic Acid 2.38 1.21 1.74 1.14 2.01 0.96 0.11 0.34 0.28
PUFA Total[FA20:2] Eicosadienoic Acid 20.73 4.25 24.78 10.61 23.61 8.70 0.065 0.13 0.38
PUFA Total[FA20:3] Dihomo-γ-linolenic Acid 138.54 33.48 142.23 55.31 148.12 60.14 0.78 0.49 0.52
PUFA Total[FA20:4] Arachidonic Acid 695.40 144.85 548.13 194.01 615.45 239.93 0.0082 0.17 0.015
PUFA Total[FA20:5] Eicosapentanoic Acid 60.60 16.62 44.03 28.05 61.12 35.16 0.017 0.95 0.0056
PUFA Total[FA22:2] Docosadienoic Acid 2.64 5.33 1.18 0.60 1.20 0.31 0.34 0.35 0.82
PUFA Total[FA22:4] Docosatetraenoic Acid 18.54 6.13 20.16 7.59 20.43 9.92 0.45 0.43 0.82
PUFA Total[FA22:5] Docosapentaenoic Acid 51.67 11.14 51.35 17.08 57.81 22.01 0.94 0.21 0.031
PUFA Total[FA22:6] Docosahexaenoic Acid 144.96 52.61 115.92 56.99 141.66 72.49 0.11 0.86 0.0045