Fig 3. Average BP-RS probabilities in IP4IC training set and of P3 validation set.
The BP-RS is a score that gives the probability that a patient has UIC. Each of the validation data points were fed into the trained Random Forest Classifier (RFC), and the BP-RS (probability of UIC) was calculated and plotted for each patient. The bars on the boxes describe the minimum and maximum points, and the horizontal lines of the box show the 25%, 50% (median), and 75% quartiles. Points outside of the bars are outliers. The individual probabilities are also plotted (black points). Because we used a binary classifier, all of the points above 0.5 (dotted line) are predicted to have UIC, and all points below are classified as control or NUIC. In the validation set, two patients from each of the control and NUIC groups were incorrectly classified as having UIC, and two points from the UIC group were incorrectly classified as not having UIC.