Table 2.
Correlates of Catastrophic Spending in Myanmar: Logistic Regression Analyses, 2003.
OOP Health Spending > 40% of Household Capacity to Pay |
Whether Household Borrowed Funds or Sold Assets to Finance Illness in preceding Year |
Household Characteristic | (1) | (2) | (1) | (2) |
Household location (rural = 1, 0 otherwise) | −0.01 (.96) | −2.30* (.01) | −0.06 (.89) | −0.92* (.01) |
With individuals aged 60 and over (yes = 1, 0 otherwise) | 0.25* (.01) | 0.30* (.01) | 0.16 (.20) | 0.09 (.51) |
With under-5 children (yes = 1, 0 otherwise) | 0.23* (.01) | 0.22* (.01) | 0.27† (.08) | 0.21 (.15) |
Household size | 0.10* (.01) | 0.15* (.01) | 0.07* (.02) | 0.03 (.29) |
Household ranking on asset index quintile 2 = 1, 0 otherwise | 0.03 (.80) | −0.12 (.26) | 0.03 (.90) | −0.07 (.76) |
Household ranking on asset index quintile 3 = 1, 0 otherwise | 0.11 (.37) | 0.002 (.98) | −0.14 (.58) | −0.24 (.28) |
Household ranking on asset index quintile 4 = 1, 0 otherwise | −0.16* (.27) | −0.37* (.01) | −0.18 (.55) | −0.28 (.29) |
Household ranking on asset index quintile 5 (richest 20%) = 1, 0 otherwise | −0.38* (.02) | −0.71* (.01) | −0.92* (.04) | −0.94* (.02) |
Sex of household head (female = 1, 0 otherwise) | 0.15 (.14) | 0.16† (.10) | 0.07 (.70) | 0.13 (.49) |
Most educated female 15+ illiterate = 1, 0 otherwise | 0.08 (.53) | 0.13 (.28) | 0.30 (.28) | 0.05 (.85) |
Most educated female 15+ primary and secondary=1, 0 otherwise | 0.12 (.14) | 0.14 (.17) | 0.41† (.08) | 0.08 (.72) |
Ethnic Bamar (yes = 1, 0 otherwise) | 0.34† (.06) | −0.05 (.71) | 0.41 (.17) | −0.36† (.10) |
SRH of respondent (bad/very bad = 1, 0 otherwise) | 1.00* (.01) | 0.85* (.01) | 1.36* (.01) | 1.00* (.01) |
Member with chronic illness (yes = 1, 0 otherwise) | 0.62* (.01) | 0.51* (.01) | 0.60* (.01) | 0.73* (.03) |
Uses insecticide-treated bed net (yes = 1, 0 otherwise) | 1.86* (.03) | 0.52 (.29) | 0.23 (.64) | −0.07 (.94) |
With pregnant woman (yes = 1, 0 otherwise) | 0.31* (.05) | 0.19 (.27) | 0.46† (.09) | 0.39 (.21) |
Total number of observations | 6045 | 6045 | 6045 | 6045 |
Authors’ estimates based on WHS data and sample-weighted (P values for a 2-tailed test are reported in parentheses below the coefficient estimates). S (1) uses Strata fixed effects and S (2) uses an additional 108 indicator variables for cluster fixed effects, for which coefficient estimates are not reported for reasons of space. Standard errors are adjusted for clustering at the primary sampling unit level.
Statistically significant at the 5% level.
Statistically significant at the 10% level.