Figure 4.
Structural comparison of AhRR–ARNT with ARNT heterodimers formed with other bHLH-PAS family members. A, heterodimer structures of AhRR–ARNT (left) (this study), AhR–ARNT (middle) (PDB code 5NJ8) (31), and HIF-2α–ARNT (right) (PDB code 4ZP4) (29). AhRR, AhR, HIF-2α, and ARNT are shown in blue, yellow, red, and green, respectively. B, intermolecular contacts mediated by ARNT PAS-B domain. Top panel, structures of PAS-A-PAS-B (AhRR–ARNT) (left) and PAS-B-PAS-B (HIF-2α–ARNT) (right) interfaces indicated by red circles in A are aligned with ARNT PAS-B. Bottom panel, surfaces of ARNT PAS-B involved in the interaction are shown in gray. C, detailed view of the interactions between AhRR PAS-A and ARNT PAS-B. Residues involved in the interactions are shown using stick representations. Hydrogen bonds are indicated by dashed lines. D, structures of PAS-A domains of AhRR (left) and AhR (right). The AhRR PAS-A residues interacting with ARNT PAS-B in the AhRR–ARNT complex are shown using stick representations and are highlighted in gray (left), and the corresponding residues in AhR are also shown using stick representations (right), with the non-conserved residues labeled in red. The residues unmodeled in the AhR PAS-A structure are underlined.