Figure 2.
Structure and UPLC-MS/MS analysis of type I Listeria WTAs. A, liquid chromatographic separation and MS-based identification of carbohydrate residues within type I Listeria WTAs from Lmo 1/2a (top); Lmo 3a; Lmo 7 (bottom). Peaks are labeled with their respective retention time (Rt; [min]) and base peak ion [M-H]− (m/z). The deduced structures of the respective WTA type are shown on the right in CFG representation (Consortium for Functional Glycomics; legend box on bottom right). B, structural analysis of m/z 415 by ESI-MS/MS. C, summary of type I WTAs. Abbreviations: GlcNAc, N-acetylglucosamine; Gro, glycerol; P, phosphate; Lmo, L. monocytogenes.