⎾ ⏋ ⎿ ⏌ |
Large brackets link an ongoing utterance with an overlapping utterance or a non-verbal action |
= | An equals sign marks where there is no interval between adjacent utterances |
? | A question mark indicates a rising inflection, not necessarily a question |
but- | A single dash indicates a halting, abrupt cut off to a word or part of a word |
stress | Underlining indicates emphasis |
((nods)) | Text in italics within double parentheses represents a gloss or description of some non-verbal action |
°no° | Degree signs indicate a passage of talk which is quieter than surrounding talk |
(0.6) | Pauses or gaps in tenths of a second within parentheses |
(xx) | Single parentheses containing either a word or a phrase mark where words are in doubt. Number of syllables counted in x:es is given if the utterance is very unclear |