01 | CP-1 | but it will come of course |
02 | PwPD-1 | yeah:= |
03 | CP-1 | =in eh (0.5) february ⎾march anyway⏋ |
04 | PwPD-1 | ⎿ °eehh° ⏌ |
05 | °yeah you can count on that° | |
06 | CP-1 | (1.0) ((looking confused)) ⎾what did you say? ⏋ ⎿((moving closer to PwPD))⏌ |
07 | PwPD-1 | °you may count on that° |
08 | CP-1 | ⎾yes right ⏋ you can count on that yes (0.5) mm ⎿((leaning back)) ⏌ |