Figure 4.
Analysis of microRNA expression dynamics depending on chromosome localization. (A) MicroRNA expression changes after radiation exposure at the dose of 4 Gy compared to control: AI—in the K562 cell line 1 h after irradiation; AII—in the K562 cell line 4 h after irradiation; AIII—in the K562 cell line 24 h after irradiation; AIV—in the HL-60 cell line 1 h after irradiation; AV—in the HL-60 cell line 4 h after irradiation; and AVI—in the HL-60 cell line 24 h after irradiation; (B) Dispersion of the log2fc values of microRNAs located in the chromosomes of the K562 and HL-60 cell lines: BI—the K562 cell line; BII—the HL-60 cell line. *—chromosomes with abnormalities (excluding translocations). (9*)—the ninth pair of chromosomes is absent in the K562 cell line but is part of the marker chromosomes. #—statistically significant difference from the K562 cell line, p < 0.05.