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. 2017 Sep 26;14(10):1124. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14101124

Table 2.

Alcohol use perceptions, behaviors and help-seeking among youth living in the slums of Kampala reporting any physical abuse, alcohol-related neglect or alcohol-related physical abuse by their parents, (n = 1134).

Variables Physical Abuse Alcohol-Related Neglect Alcohol-Related Physical Abuse
Yes (n = 380)
No (n = 749)
Chi-Square, (df),
Yes (n = 212)
No (n = 870)
Chi-Square, (df),
Yes (n = 140)
No (n = 988)
Chi-Square, (df),
Parental Approval of Child Alcohol Use
Approve/Not Care 101 (26.7%) 82 (11.0%) 45.65, (1),
p < 0.0001
75 (35.6%) 108 (12.4%) 64.75, (1),
p < 0.0001
57 (40.7%) 126 (12.8%) 70.42, (1),
p < 0.0001
Disapprove 278 (73.4%) 667 (89.0%) 136 (64.4%) 763 (87.6%) 83 (59.3%) 861 (87.2%)
Alcohol use in the past year
Yes 164 (43.2%) 182 (24.3%) 42.18, (1),
p < 0.0001
120 (56.6%) 218 (25.0%) 79.18, (1),
p < 0.0001
83 (59.3%) 262 (26.5%) 62.02, (1),
p < 0.0001
No 216 (56.8%) 567 (72.7%) 92 (43.4%) 653 (75.0%) 57 (40.7%) 726 (73.5%)
Age at consumption of first alcoholic beverage
<13 28 (7.4%) 38 (5.1%) 43.61, (3),
p < 0.0001
23 (11.0%) 34 (3.9%) 85.38, (3),
p < 0.0001
22 (15.8%) 36 (3.7%) 80.16, (3),
p < 0.0001
13–16 125 (33.1%) 156 (21.0%) 95 (45.2%) 177 (20.4%) 61 (43.9%) 219 (22.3%)
>16 32 (8.5%) 26 (3.5%) 14 (6.7%) 51 (5.9%) 9 (6.5%) 57 (5.8%)
Non-drinker+ 193 (51.1%) 524 (70.4%) 78 (37.1%) 604 (69.8%) 47 (33.8%) 670 (68.2%)
Who usually gives you alcohol to drink
A family member/relative 10 (6.1%) 15 (8.2%) 7.37, (4),
p = 0.12
4 (3.3%) 21 (9.6%) 7.73, (4),
p = 0.10
7 (8.4%) 18 (6.8%) 11.83, (4),
p = 0.02
A friend 75 (45.5%) 87 (47.8%) 51 (42.5%) 106 (48.4%) 30 (36.1%) 131 (49.8%)
A sex partner 14 (8.5%) 23 (12.6%) 17 (14.2%) 20 (9.1%) 5 (6.0%) 32 (12.2%)
I get it myself 65 (39.4%) 52 (28.6%) 46 (38.3%) 68 (31.1%) 40 (48.2%) 77 (29.3%)
Other 1 (0.6%) 5 (2.8%) 2 (1.7%) 4 (1.8%) 1 (1.2%) 5 (1.9%)
Age at first drunkenness
<13 8 (4.9%) 15 (8.2%) 4.14, (3),
p = 0.25
12 (10.0%) 11 (5.0%) 7.59, (3),
p = 0.06
6 (7.2%) 17 (6.5%) 3.21, (3),
p = 0.36
13–16 104 (63.0%) 102 (56.0%) 77 (64.2%) 123 (56.2%) 55 (66.3%) 150 (57.0%)
>16 29 (17.6%) 43 (23.6%) 20 (16.7%) 52 (23.7%) 12 (14.5%) 60 (22.8%)
Never/Non-drinker 24 (14.6%) 22 (12.1%) 11 (9.2%) 33 (15.1%) 10 (12.0%) 36 (13.7%)
Whom do you usually drink alcohol with?
With my friends 120 (72.7%) 133 (73.1%) 2.77, (2),
p = 0.25
84 (70.0%) 161 (73.5%) 1.28, (2),
p = 0.53
58 (69.9%) 195 (74.1%) 6.96, (2),
p = 0.03
With others (i.e., family, sex partner) 30 (18.2%) 40 (22.0%) 25 (20.8%) 45 (20.6%) 14 (16.9%) 55 (20.9%)
I drink alone 15 (9.1%) 9 (5.0%) 11 (9.2%) 13 (5.9%) 11 (13.3%) 13 (4.9%)
Frequency of alcoholic beverage consumption
Monthly or less 35 (21.2%) 35 (19.3%) 0.74, (2),
p = 0.69
26 (21.7%) 42 (19.3%) 5.66, (2),
p = 0.06
16 (19.3%) 54 (20.6%) 1.66, (2),
p = 0.44
2–4 times a month 46 (27.9%) 58 (32.0%) 27 (22.5%) 76 (34.9%) 21 (25.3%) 83 (31.7%)
5 or more times a month 84 (50.9%) 88 (48.6%) 67 (55.8%) 100 (45.9%) 46 (55.4%) 125 (47.7%)
Frequency of full drinks consumed in typical day when drinking alcohol
1–2 drinks 99 (60.0%) 96 (53.3%) 1.56, (1),
p = 0.21
64 (53.3%) 124 (57.1%) 0.45, (1),
p = 0.50
49 (59.0%) 146 (55.9%) 0.25, (1),
p = 0.62
3 or more drinks 66 (40.0%) 84 (46.7%) 56 (46.7%) 93 (42.9%) 34 (41.0%) 115 (44.1%)
Days of having a hangover, feeling sick, getting into trouble with friends or family, miss school, or get into fights because of drinking alcohol?
0 days 45 (27.3%) 59 (32.6%) 1.16, (1),
p = 0.28
24 (20.0%) 76 (34.9%) 8.21, (1),
p = 0.004
19 (22.9%) 85 (32.4%) 2.73, (1),
p = 0.10
1 or more days 120 (72.7%) 122 (67.4%) 96 (80.0%) 142 (65.1%) 64 (77.1%) 177 (67.6%)
How many times (if any) have you had five or more drinks on one occasion?
0 days 50 (30.3%) 53 (29.4%) 0.03, (1),
p = 0.86
29 (24.2%) 71 (32.7%) 2.71, (1),
p = 0.10
23 (27.7%) 80 (30.7%) 0.26, (1),
p = 0.61
1 or more days 115 (69.7%) 127 (70.6%) 91 (75.8%) 146 (67.3%) 60 (72.3%) 181 (69.4%)
Problem drinkers (as defined by CAGE Scores)
Non-problem drinker (CAGE score 0–1) 81 (49.7%) 99 (54.7%) 0.86, (1),
p = 0.35
51 (43.5%) 122 (56.5%) 6.04, (1),
p = 0.01
43 (51.8%) 136 (52.3%) 0.006, (1),
p = 0.94
Problem drinker (CAGE score ≥2) 82 (50.3%) 82 (45.3%) 69 (57.5%) 94 (43.5%) 40 (48.2%) 124 (47.7%)