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. 2017 Oct 9;14(10):1198. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14101198

Table 1.

Concentrations of individual PAHs, ∑16PAHs and ∑BPAHs in the samples from agricultural soil (AS), roadside soil (RS) and parkgreen space soil (PS) around the chemical plant.

PAH Compound Abbr. Carcinogenicity Classification No. of Ring Agriculture Soils (AS, mg/kg) Roadside Soils (RS, mg/kg) Park Green Space Soils (PS, mg/kg)
Range Mean Median Range Mean Median Range Mean Median
Naphthalene Nap 2B 2 0.007–4.87 1.51 1.5 1.15–8.93 5.17 4.7 0.337–10.6 2.72 1.61
Acenaphthylene Acel 3 ND-0.022 0.006 0.003 0.11–0.240 0.064 0.044 ND-0.109 0.027 0.016
Acenaphthene Ace 3 ND-0.103 0.032 0.025 0.056–1.79 0.412 0.263 0.015–0.517 0.126 0.08
Fluorene Flu 3 0.015–0.399 0.104 0.077 0.405–7.86 2.14 1.64 0.053–2.62 0.615 0.41
Anthracene Ant 3 0.332–4.26 0.992 0.701 3.62–23.0 9.45 8.36 0.485–13.1 3.69 2.84
Phenanthrene Phe 3 0.009–0.168 0.038 0.024 ND-12.9 1.37 0.435 0.016–0.907 0.181 0.12
Fluoranthene Fla 4 0.140–2.41 0.546 0.397 ND-10.3 4.97 4.59 0.058–6.53 1.63 1.11
Pyrene Pyr 4 0.135–2.49 0.502 0.341 0.288–10.2 4.72 4.58 0.007–6.29 1.44 1.00
Benz [a] anthracene Baa B 4 0.071–1.71 0.288 0.149 ND-6.02 2.51 2.43 ND-1.32 0.533 0.403
Chrysene Chr 2B 4 0.190–3.49 0.62 0.348 ND-7.96 3.54 3.74 0.216–3.52 1.31 1.11
Benzo [b] fluoranthene Bbf 2B 5 1.36–25.5 4.44 2.52 ND-39.0 3.35 0.327 ND-6.36 1.53 0.153
Benzo [k] fluoranthene Bkf 2B 5 0.100–9.90 0.985 0.229 ND-19.5 8.97 10.4 ND-6.01 2.45 1.73
Benzo [a] pyrene Bap B 5 0.232–5.95 0.973 0.49 ND-35.3 16.1 15.8 0.435–22.1 5.55 4.01
Dibenz [a,h] anthracene Daa B 5 0.150–3.10 0.514 0.265 0.010–2.61 0.276 0.01 0.010–0.299 0.045 0.01
Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene Ind 2B 6 0.566–11.6 1.83 0.927 0.087–39.5 2.34 0.087 0.087–2.07 0.469 0.087
Benzo [g,h,i] perylene Bghip 6 0.007–0.343 0.163 0.142 0.007–0.642 0.043 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007
∑16PAHs 3.87–76.0 12.6 7.55 35.4–116. 65.5 60.7 5.93–66.5 22.3 19.9
∑BPAHs 3.22–66.1 11.2 5.99 20.2–94.2 42.3 39.4 3.82–36.4 14.6 16.8

Note: ND represents not detected; B, a group of PAHs which are probably carcinogenic to human [2]; 2B which are possibly carcinogenic to human; All other PAHs compounds are currently regarded as ‘not classifiable’ [3].