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. 2017 Oct 11;14(10):1200. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14101200

Table 1.

Ever, current and regular measures of e-cigarette use, total population, CPS-TUS, 2014/5.

Variable Categories Sample Size Ever Use of an E-Cigarette Current Use (≥1 of Past 30 Days) Regular Use (≥20 of Past 30 Days) Ratio (Current/Ever Use) Ratio (Regular/Current Use)
Rate χ2 (p) Rate χ2 (p) Rate χ2 (p)
Overall 158,626 7.7% 2.1% 0.9% 27.0% 45.3%
Sex Male 70,588 8.6% 134.6 2.3% 20.9 1.1% 44.7 26.4% 49.7%
Female 88,038 7.0% <0.001 1.9% <0.001 0.8% <0.001 27.6% 41.3%
Age 18–24 10,470 14.8% 3.3% 1.3% 22.3% 39.4%
25–34 25,705 12.8% 3.0% 1.3% 23.3% 44.9%
35–44 26,191 9.4% 2.6% 1.2% 28.0% 44.6%
45–64 58,333 7.0% 3357.7 2.1% 544.0 1.0% 204.2 30.0% 46.7%
65+ 37,927 2.3% <0.001 0.7% <0.001 0.4% <0.001 32.5% 49.6%
Race White 131,464 8.1% 2.2% 1.0% 27.5% 46.1%
Black 16,248 4.7% 1.1% 0.4% 22.5% 36.6%
Asian 6388 3.6% 548.9 0.8% 192.2 0.3% 105.3 21.5% 38.8%
Other Races 4526 12.7% <0.001 3.4% <0.001 1.5% <0.001 27.0% 42.6%
Hispanic Hispanic 16,724 4.7% 235.1 1.1% 88.5 0.4% 50.8 23.3% 40.0%
Non-Hispanic 141,902 8.1% <0.001 2.2% <0.001 1.0% <0.001 27.3% 45.6%
Education Less than 12 years 15,903 8.1% 2.2% 0.9% 27.5% 41.0%
High school degree 44,417 9.2% 2.6% 1.2% 28.4% 46.9%
Associate degree 45,940 10.2% 1,422.4 2.9% 540.5 1.3% 256.6 28.1% 45.4%
College or higher degree 52,366 4.2% <0.001 0.9% <0.001 0.4% <0.001 21.9% 44.5%
Family income $0–$19,999 27,356 10.2% 2.8% 1.2% 27.8% 43.2%
$20,000–$39,999 36,380 8.9% 2.6% 1.1% 29.1% 44.6%
$40,000–$74,999 43,473 7.7% 604.0 2.0% 225.7 0.9% 75.3 25.8% 45.9%
$75,000 or more 51,417 5.7% <0.001 1.4% <0.001 0.7% <0.001 25.3% 47.9%
Marital status Never Married 34,492 12.1% 2.8% 1.2% 23.4% 42.0%
Married Spouse Present 83,335 5.6% 1,484.4 1.6% 235.7 0.7% 85.9 28.2% 46.5%
Married Spouse Absent or Widowed/Divorced/Separated 40,799 8.4% <0.001 2.5% <0.001 1.2% <0.001 29.9% 46.9%
Employment status Employed 94,362 8.5% 167.4 2.2% 5.8 1.0% 14.4 25.6% 47.4%
Not in labor force or unemployed 64,264 6.7% <0.001 2.0% 0.016 0.8% 0.000 29.7% 42.1%
Metropolitan status MSA 122,702 7.4% 82.3 2.0% 15.5 0.9% 2.9 27.2% 45.9%
Non-MSA 35,924 8.9% <0.001 2.4% <0.001 1.0% 0.087 26.5% 43.6%
Indoor workers Yes 64,676 8.3% 48.5 2.1% 1.7 1.0% 3.1 25.9% 46.5%
No 93,950 7.4% <0.001 2.1% 0.187 0.9% 0.080 27.9% 44.5%
Current smoking status Current smoker 20,350 37.7% 10.6% 3.6% 28.1% 34.0%
Never smokers 104,654 1.4% 0.2% 0.1% 14.3% 31.8%
Former (<1 year) 3152 43.4% 16.3% 12.7% 37.6% 77.8%
Former (1–3 years) 2892 30.2% 39,836.2 9.8% 13,251.1 7.4% 8,418.7 32.5% 75.4%
Former (≥3 years) 27,578 3.1% <0.001 0.5% <0.001 0.3% <0.001 17.5% 59.1%
Smoking frequency Everyday smokers 16,627 37.8% 1.1 10.1% 19.7 3.1% 65.4 26.1% 45.2%
Someday smokers 3723 36.9% 0.3 12.6% <0.001 5.8% <0.001 34.1% 46.3%
Cigarette per day 1–4 4184 34.4% 11.6% 5.4% 33.8% 46.1%
5–14 7657 37.4% 10.4% 3.6% 27.8% 35.0%
15–24 6989 39.4% 32.9 10.1% 7.2 2.6% 57.8 25.5% 26.2%
25+ 1520 40.2% <0.001 10.9% 0.1 3.0% <0.001 27.2% 27.1%
First cigarette upon awakening ≤5 min 3501 42.6% 11.5% 4.1% 27.1% 35.1%
5–30 min 6810 38.7% 64.2 10.6% 4.7 3.2% 6.2 27.4% 30.0%
>30 min 10,039 35.3% <0.001 10.2% 0.1 3.7% 0.0 29.0% 36.4%
Smokeless tobacco use § Yes 12,039 25.3% 5,601.8 4.5% 77.8 0.9% 0.1 - -
No 146,587 6.3% <0.001 2.0% <0.001 0.9% 0.8 - -
State level cigarette tax ranking Lowest quarter 32,990 8.6% 2.6% 1.2% 30.7% 44.8%
Med-low quarter 47,024 7.8% 2.1% 1.0% 26.9% 48.0%
Med-high quarter 40,094 7.7% 71.9 2.0% 80.2 0.8% 37.3 25.9% 41.8%
Highest quarter 38,518 6.9% <0.001 1.7% <0.001 0.8% <0.001 24.5% 46.3%
Tobacco control spending per capita Lowest quarter 40,960 7.8% 2.3% 1.0% 29.7% 44.7%
Med-low quarter 40,428 8.0% 2.1% 1.0% 26.7% 46.2%
Med-high quarter 49,506 6.9% 79.9 1.9% 23.9 0.9% 8.4 26.8% 46.3%
Highest quarter 27,732 8.7% <0.001 2.1% <0.001 0.9% 0.038 24.3% 43.6%
State level worksite smoking ban Highest level 98,752 7.7% 0.0 2.0% 9.6 0.9% 9.5 25.9% 44.4%
Not highest level 59,874 7.7% 0.843 2.2% 0.002 1.0% 0.002 28.9% 46.7%
State level worksite e-cigarette ban Highest level 7129 6.7% 11.8 1.8% 3.2 0.8% 2.1 26.9% 43.8%
Not highest level 151,497 7.8% 0.001 2.1% 0.075 1.0% 0.149 27.0% 45.4%
State level e-cigarette tax Yes 3003 8.8% 5.1 2.2% 0.2 1.3% 4.8 24.9% 60.6%
No 155,623 7.7% 0.025 2.1% 0.678 0.9% 0.028 27.1% 45.0%
Census division East North Central 18,088 8.8% 2.3% 1.0% 26.1% 44.4%
East South Central 10,926 8.9% 2.7% 1.3% 30.5% 49.3%
Middle Atlantic 13,226 6.4% 1.6% 0.7% 25.2% 42.0%
Mountain 18,768 8.7% 2.6% 1.2% 29.6% 46.3%
New England 14,249 6.3% 1.6% 0.7% 25.2% 43.2%
Pacific 21,002 6.8% 1.6% 0.7% 23.6% 46.3%
South Atlantic 29,781 6.7% 1.9% 0.8% 27.9% 44.8%
West North Central 16,529 9.3% 282.2 2.4% 124.3 1.0% 73.1 25.9% 41.6%
West South Central 16,057 8.4% <0.001 2.4% <0.001 1.2% <0.001 28.3% 48.8%

§ The prevalence of e-cigarette use by three measures are estimated among SLT users categorized by the same measure (SLT ever use: n = 12,039; current use: n = 2656; and regular use 1933). Data for state level cigarette tax ranking are based on the January 2015 level and for per capita tobacco control spending are for the year 2015.