Fig. 6.
The effect of two environmental variables, water regime and temperature, on spike and grain traits. a Graphical representation of the total number of grains for all the spikes in a given treatment. Each circle represents an individual grain in its corresponding ZX position along the length of the spike. Colours and sizes represent the volume of the grain. Colours are normalised between 0 and 1, with 1 being the largest grain across all treatments, b mean grain number (left-hand panel) and grain volume (right-hand panel) per section of spike. Each spike was divided in top, middle and bottom (median spike height ± 16% was considered middle, region below that bottom and above top) and the grain number in each region calculated for each treatment and c relationship between grain number and grain volume per spike over all the treatments. Samples are identified by the temperature they were stressed with and HW indicates 80% FC watering while LW indicates 40% FC watering