Noise power spectrum (NPS) of Ge-68 solid epoxy phantom for GE Discovery STE PET/CT scanner with increasing image noise. A, Original NPS of CT image of phantom. B, The NPS of CT image with added Gaussian noise (σ = 10 HU). C, The NPS of CT image with added Gaussian noise (σ = 20 HU). D, The NPS of CT image with added Gaussian noise (σ = 50 HU). E, The NPS of CT image with added Gaussian noise (σ = 80 HU). F, The NPS of CT image with added Gaussian noise (σ = 120 HU). Y-scale changes from (A) to (F). CT indicates computed tomography; Ge, germanium; HU, Hounsfield units; PET, positron emission tomography.