Figure 8.
YY2 K247 methylation is involved in YY2-regulated cell proliferation and tumor growth. (a) HeLa cells were infected with control lentiviral vector or vectors expressing YY2 (wt) or YY2 (K247R), followed by cell number counting every 2 days. Significance test for the change of cell number between CTL and YY2 (wt), or YY (wt) and YY2 (K247R) on days 2 (inset), 4 (inset) and 6 were shown as indicated (±s.e.m., *P<0.05, **P<0.01). (b) HeLa cells as described in a were subjected to IB analysis using antibodies as indicated. (c) HeLa cells as described in a were injected into female athymic Nu/Nu mice as shown. (d) Mice as described in c were killed 3 weeks after subcutaneous injection, and tumors were then excised, photographed and weighed. (e) Significance test for the weight of tumors shown in d was performed.