Lack of faculty with practice and teaching expertise in pharmacogenomics |
Shared curricula and/or teaching resources
Train-the-trainer programs for educators
Collaboration with existing resources (e.g., G2C2, G3C) to increase awareness and use of these resources among pharmacy educators
Limited depth and breadth of instruction
Coverage of domains such as genomic basis of disease, bioinformatics, proteomics, metabolomics, genetic testing processes, and ethical, social, and economic implications is often limited.
Limited fidelity of instruction (understanding testing process or providing pharmacogenomics communication first-hand)
Limited space within most curricula to incorporate new topics
Development of early foundational education in pharmacogenomics and related “omics” topics for pharmacy and undergraduate students
Working with real data and/or an optional opportunity for learners to personally undergo genetic testing to experience process.
Development of resources to enable educators to weave pharmacogenomics into existing pharmacotherapy coursework (e.g., teaching cases)
Incorporation of non-patient care elements (e.g., test ordering and evaluation, ethical issues, bioinformatics, communication of results) into pharmacogenomics patient cases to allow synergy in teaching these topics
Varying degrees of clinical implementation
May affect clinical faculty expertise and hamper delivery of pharmacogenomics-based experiential education (i.e., IPPEs, APPEs).
Preceptors/faculty are challenged in staying current with clinical pharmacogenomics applications and emerging literature.
Teaching implementation science in conjunction with pharmacogenomics education aimed at knowledge attainment and its application when local implementation programs are not yet available.
Disseminating practice models in which students and trainees actively participate in clinical implementations to support further development of these practices
Establishment of practitioner/faculty-focused mechanisms to increase communication, collaboration, and awareness of practice and learning activities and emerging literature (e.g., discussion board, listserv)
Development of an online journal club to discuss key emerging literature and its clinical relevance
Variable needs and opportunities for practitioner education
Residency program collaboration to increase awareness of opportunities for and content of post-graduate training (e.g., residency)
Development and dissemination of resources (e.g., sample syllabi, learning activities, assignments) to support creation of an elective pharmacogenomics rotation for APPE students and PGY1 residents
Development of national preceptor training programs for teaching pharmacogenomics competencies