Vgll3 regulates CNC migration. CNC from neurula embryos injected with tracer gfp mRNA and v3MO (40 ng or cMO) or vgll3 mRNA (1 ng) were (A) grafted on wild-type embryos at stage 17 and migratory phenotype was analysed by GFP fluorescence 18 h after transplantation (quantification of results in the right panel; insets show GFP-positive grafted cells just after transplantation; magnification has been adjusted to reduce the size of original images) or (B) plated on fibronectin and analysed 3 h (a,d,g,j) and 18 h (b,e,h,k) after plating. Enlarged views of the boxed areas are also shown (c,f,i,l). Scale bars: 1 mm (j,k); 250 µm (l). (C) Ratio of spreading measured by comparing the relative surface area between 18 h and 3 h of culture (indicated by the outlined areas in a,b,d,e,g,h,j,k). #P<0.05; Student's t-test; data are mean±s.e.m. (D) MyosinX expression in stage 16 (dorsal-anterior view) or stage 28 (lateral view) embryos. Asterisks indicate the injected side. Dashed line indicates the midline of the embryo.