Effect of ALA on OVX-induced bone loss in mice. (A) 8-week-old C57BL/6 mice were ovariectomized followed by treatment with indicated concentrations of ALA for 4 weeks. Femurs were radiographed by micro-CT and BV/TV, Tb.Sp, Tb.N and Tb.Th of each femur were recorded. ^ P<0.038 vs. control, * P<0.026 vs. OVX. (B) The levels of CTX-I were measured from serum in ng/ml. ^ P=0.024 vs. control, * P=0.026 vs. OVX. (C, D) Femurs were dissected, fixed and sectioned, stained with H&E (upper) and treated with TRAP reagent (lower) followed by counting of TRAP+ osteoclasts (OC) per field of tissue. ^ P=0.007 vs. control, * P=0.026 vs. OVX, * P=0.014 vs. OVX.