(A) Secondary structure of the complex formed by the ribozyme, template, and primer (nucleotide sequences are listed in supplementary file 1). The template consists of four regions: primer binding site, sequence to be copied, A3 or A5 spacer, and ribozyme-pairing domain (listed 3´→5´). The ribozyme was tested for its ability to copy five different template sequences (1–5). For sequences of other regions of the template, see supplementary file 1. (B) Extension of a deoxynucleotide-terminated RNA primer on an RNA template. Reaction conditions: 100 nM ribozyme, 125 nM template, 125 nM primer, 2 mM each dNTP, 200 mM MgCl2, pH 8.3 or 9.0, 20°C, 3 or 22 hr. Black dots indicate the expected position of full-length products.