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. 2017 Sep 4;58(11):2162–2170. doi: 10.1194/jlr.M079822


PTS comparison of patients based on low HDL-C levels and mutation status

Top 10th Percentile of PTS Bottom 10th Percentile of PTS
Control M+ M− OR (95% CI, P) Control M+ M− OR (95% CI, P)
Lipid Genetics Clinic 52/503 4/41 4/95 M+: 0.94 (0.27–2.90, 0.583) 51/503 8/41 24/95 M+: 2.15 (0.86–5.19, 0.063)
M: 0.38 (0.111.13, 0.038) M: 3.00 (1.675.35, <0.0001)
MHI Biobank 119/1,198 3/22 14/179 M+: 1.43 (0.33–5.21, 0.380) 120/1,198 1/22 24/179 M+: 0.43 (0.02–3.03, 0.341)
M−: 0.77 (0.41–1.41, 0.228) M−: 1.39 (0.85–2.27, 0.107)
UPenn 52/503 NA 31/349 M+: NA 51/503 NA 40/349 M+: NA
M−: 0.85 (0.52–1.38, 0.280) M−: 1.15 (0.72–1.82, 0.307)
Overall 171/1,701a 7/63 49/623 M+: 1.12 (0.46–2.60, 0.455) 171/1,701a 9/63 88/623 M+: 1.49 (0.67–3.20, 0.186)
M−: 0.76 (0.54–1.08, 0.063) M: 1.47 (1.11–1.96, <0.01)

Whole numbers represent patient counts, with the numerator indicating the number of individuals with a PTS in the top 10th or bottom 10th percentile and the denominator indicating the total number of individuals in the patient subgroup. ORs were calculated with a confidence level of 95%. Left-tailed and right-tailed tests of significance were considered for the top 10th and bottom 10th percentiles, respectively. NA, not available. Boldface type indicates statistically significant ORs.


The 1KG group was counted only once, given that it was used in both the Lipid Genetics Clinic and UPenn cohorts.