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. 2017 Oct 4;13(10):20170406. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2017.0406

Table 1.

Intact plant seeds and invertebrates from cormorant pellets. Ellenberg F classes 4–6 as representing dry-to-moist, 7–9 moist-to-wet and 10–12 wet-or-submerged habitats [16]. Species are sorted by the number of recovered propagules, while indicating the number of pellets, viable propagules that germinated or hatched (per number tested), sampling locations (Ringkøbing Fjord (RK), Roxen Lake (RL), Havsstensfjord Vadholmen (HV), Björningarna (B), North Mittholmarna (NM), South Mittholmarna (SM), Fortmond (F)), and assigned dispersal syndromes [17]. Species indicated in bold are not known to be dispersed by European dabbling ducks [21]. Actinidia deliciosa is alien to Europe, and therefore has no Ellenberg F-value.

category species family Ellenberg F dispersal syndrome # intact propagules # pellets # germinated or hatched/ attempted sampling locations
plant unknown Charophyceae 15 5 0/15 RK, F
plant Urtica dioica Urticaceae 6 epizoochory 11 6 0/9 RL, F
plant Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Cyperaceae 10 barochory 8 6 1/7 RK, RL
plant Betula pendula Betulaceae 5 anemochory 5 5 RL, HV, B
plant Suaeda maritima Amaranthaceae 8 hydrochory 5 5 0/4 B, F
plant Atriplex patula Amaranthaceae 5 epizoochory 3 3 1/3 RK
plant Limosella aquatica Scrophulariaceae 8 barochory 3 2 0/3 F
plant Zannichellia palustris Potamogetonaceae 12 hydrochory 3 1 0/3 F
plant Chenopodium glaucum Amaranthaceae 6 barochory 4 3 1/4 RK
plant Potentilla anserina Rosaceae 5 barochory 2 1 0/2 F
plant Actinidia deliciosa Actinidiaceae endozoochory 1 1 0/1 F
plant Alopecurus pratensis Poaceae 5 barochory 1 1 RL
plant Carex nigra Cyperaceae 8 hydrochory 1 1 0/1 F
plant Cochlearia officinalis Brassicaceae 6 barochory 1 1 SM
plant Eleocharis uniglumis Cyperaceae 9 epizoochory 1 1 0/1 RK
plant Plantago major Plantaginaceae 5 barochory 1 1 0/1 F
plant Rubus fruticosus Rosaceae 6 endozoochory 1 1 0/1 F
plant Ruppia cirrhosa Ruppiaceae 12 hydrochory 1 1 NM, SM
plant Sagina apetala Caryophyllaceae 4 anemochory 1 1 B
plant Salix triandra Salicaceae 8 anemochory 1 1 0/1 F
plant Veronica beccabunga Plantaginaceae 10 barochory 1 1 0/1 F
plant Zostera marina Zosteraceae 12 hydrochory 1 1 B
plant unknown Apiaceae 1 1 0/1 RK
plant unknown Poaceae 1 1 RL
invertebrate Ephydatia fluviatilis Spongillidae 186 1 0/186 F
invertebrate Daphnia pulex agg. (Group) Daphniidae 24 7 0/23 RL, F
invertebrate Cristatella mucedo Cristatellidae 19 14 0/11 RL, F
invertebrate Plumatella repens Plumatellidae 12 6 1/11 RL, F
invertebrate Plumatella fungosa Plumatellidae 10 4 0/10 F
invertebrate Plumatella emarginata Plumatellidae 3 3 0/3 F
invertebrate Plumatella casmiana Plumatellidae 1 1 0/1 F