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. 2017 Nov 1;7:14809. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-14897-6

Table 3.

Notch receptor and ligand expression levels with respect to clinicopathological features.

Stratification of HCC Notch1 Notch2 Notch3 Notch4 Jagged1
Studies (Subjects) OR(95%CI) P, I 2 Studies (Subjects) OR(95%CI) P, I 2 Studies (Subjects) OR(95%CI) P, I 2 Studies (Subjects) OR(95%CI) P, I 2 Studies (Subjects) OR(95%CI) P, I 2
Age(year): ≤mean vs >mean 11(1305) 1.05(0.71, 1.56) 0.010, 57.1% 3(143) 1.29(0.38, 4.42) 0.214, 35.0% 5(517) 0.89(0.37, 2.09) 0.031, 62.4% 4(423) 0.91(0.36, 2.30) 0.093, 53.3% 5(294) 0.94(0.40, 2.24) 0.078, 52.4%
Gender: Male vs Female 11(1360) 1.16(0.96, 1.40) 0.986, 0.0% 4(217) 0.76(0.13, 4.44) 0.083, 55.1% 6(612) 1.10(0.68, 1.78) 0.756, 0.0% 4(423) 1.47(0.87, 2.46) 0.775, 0.0% 5(583) 0.74(0.43, 1.30) 0.806, 0.0%
Tumor size(cm): ≤ 5 vs > 5 11(1305) 0.59(0.41, 0.85)* 0.001, 65.7% 3(143) 0.47(0.15, 1.48) 0.284, 20.5% 6(612) 0.85(0.37, 1.98) 0.004, 70.6% 4(423) 0.89(0.39, 2.00) 0.138, 45.5% 6(603) 1.10(0.73, 1.65) 0.449, 0.0%
Histological grade: Well-moderate vs Poor 12(1353) 1.65(0.84, 3.23) 0.000, 76.3% 4(199) 0.68(0.24, 1.89) 0.642, 0.0% 6(610) 0.77(0.50, 1.18) 0.510, 0.0% 4(423) 0.71(0.43, 1.17) 0.835, 0.0% 6(604) 1.51(0.73, 3.12) 0.077, 49.7%
Tumor stage: I-II vs III-IV 11(1351) 0.63(0.36, 1.11) 0.000, 83.9% 4(217) 0.39(0.16, 0.96) 0.473, 0.0% 6(612) 0.46(0.20, 1.06) 0.029, 59.8% 4(423) 1.17(0.48, 2.88) 0.157, 42.4% 5(452) 2.24(1.57, 3.20) 0.365, 7.3%
AFP level(ng/mL): ≤mean vs> mean 9(1165) 0.95(0.57, 1.58) 0.001, 68.7% 2(90) 1.13(0.45, 2.82) 0.652, 0.0% 4(453) 1.15(0.60, 2.21) 0.225, 31.1% 3(359) 3.24(2.01, 5.21) 0.367, 0.2% 5(552) 1.29(0.53, 3.14) 0.011, 69.5%
Albumin level (g/dL): ≤mean vs > mean 1(288) 0.85(0.40, 1.81) 1(288) 1.74(0.75, 4.03) 1(286) 1.16(0.53,2.55) 1(288) 0.85(0.40, 1.81)
Etiology: Non-viral vs HBV/HCV 7(920) 1.33(0.57, 3.09) 0.006, 69.2% 2(98) 0.69(0.18, 2.63) 0.194, 40.6% 4(473) 1.32(0.76, 2.28) 0.804, 0.0% 3(370) 0.75(0.41, 1.40) 0.895, 0.0% 4(533) 1.34(0.69, 2.61) 0.841, 0.0%
Metastatic: Negative vs Positive 7(838) 0.42(0.24, 0.73)* 0.032, 56.6% 2(132) 0.35(0.06, 2.08) 0.042, 75.7% 4(414) 0.58(0.21, 1.64) 0.042, 68.2% 2(320) 2.13(1.27, 3.56) 0.986, 0.0% 2(162) 0.58(0.08, 4.04) 0.116, 59.5%
Multicentric occurrence: Negative vs Positive 6(786) 0.80(0.55, 1.18) 0.382, 5.4% 1(50) 1.25(0.27, 5.73) 4(519) 0.64(0.19, 2.19) 0.094, 53.1% 1(288) 0.37(0.12, 1.16) 2(172) 1.07(0.40, 2.86) 0.400, 0.0%
Major portal vein invasion: Negative vs Positive 6(985) 0.59(0.24, 1.43) 0.000, 77.4% 1(50) 1.32(0.22, 7.87) 4(519) 0.52(0.20, 1.36) 0.123, 48.0% 2(338) 0.90(0.31, 2.64) 0.914, 0.0% 1(50) 2.47(0.39, 15.73)
Microvascular invasion: Negative vs Positive 2(420) 0.53(0.31, 0.88)* 0.223, 32.6% 1(288) 0.66(0.36, 1.18) 1(298) 1.83(1.14, 2.92)
Liver cirrhosis: Negative vs Positive 2(422) 1.03(0.45, 2.38) 0.044, 75.3% 2(383) 0.68(0.41, 1.11) 0.839, 0.0% 1(288) 1.00(0.63, 1.60) 1(122) 0.74(0.31, 1.77)
Capsular invasion: Negative vs Positive 1(50) 0.91(0.17, 5.03) 1(50) 1.40(0.38, 5.20) 2(146) 1.39(0.58, 3.34) 0.657, 0.0% 1(50) 1.92(0.16,22.61) 2(171) 0.81(0.40, 1.65) 0.867, 0.0%

AFP, α-fetoprotein; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; *Result with significant differences.